In this meditation, we will get to the heart of the matter. Let's go within to reveal our true nature of peace, joy, and presence. Together we will journey deep into ourselves; to the space where we are safe and sound to just BE. When we become receptive and allow ourselves to fully relax and come to rest, the sound can easily go to work. The intention is to harmonize our being and re-align our vibration with it's Source frequency. Getting to the root of things, we allow ourselves to experience healing on a cellular level with crystalline song.
Samantha is an intuitive sound healer who shows up to meet the music of the moment. Tuning into the rhythm, melody and harmony of the Universe as it flows through the portal of presence, together we create a divinely orchestrated sound healing that's perfectly attuned to all beings present. Samantha uses pure, quartz crystal singing bowls and her own voice to guide us gently into our heart of hearts where true healing can begin. We tune in to hear the song of the heart; the One that connects us all.